Are DEMS about to FUMBLE Federal Cannabis Legalization?

Are DEMS about to FUMBLE Federal Cannabis Legalization?

Are the Dems going to fumble on federal cannabis legalization? There has been a rise in pro federal cannabis legalization rhetoric from Republicans. This is an analysis of media and a discussion about Federal Cannabis Legalization? Let’s talk about it.

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Schumer’s Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill OPPOSED by Senate Democrats?

Schumer’s Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill OPPOSED by Senate Democrats? Chuck Schumer and his Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill has two options to get it passed. The most likely option is still being opposed by some Senate Democrats. Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill can either be passed by 60 vote filibuster or through a simple majority (51 vote) via budget reconciliation. Hope Schumer’s bill isn’t halted by Senate Democrats. Let’s Talk LMC

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